
Friday, December 28, 2018

Jurnal JOINS : Sistem Push Notification Life@BankJateng Sebagai Penunjang Layanan Pegawai PT. Bank Jawa Tengah Menggunakan Socket.IO


Sistem Push Notification Life@BankJateng merupakan sistem yang dirancang untuk melayani kepegawaian Bank Jawa Tengah. Sistem tersebut berupa aplikasi web sebagai admin dan aplikasi mobile sebagai client yang dapat memudahkan pertukaran informasi antar keduanya. Sistem Life@BankJateng dapat diakses menggunakan komputer, android dan IOS dan perangkat lain yang mendukungnya. fitur-fitur yang disediakan bertujuan untuk memudahkan pengelolaan informasi karir. Fitur yang disediakan meliputi pengaksesan informasi berita terbaru, akses profil tentang pencapain jabatan kerja, pengelolaan cuti, fasilitas kesehatan dan surat pengantar perjalanan dinas (SPPD) dan lain lain. Sebagai tambahannya sistem tersebut berjalan secara realtime dengan memanfaatkan library Socket.IO yang dapat memberikan pemberitahuan pesan khusus pada setiap pegawai yang telah terdaftar di database sistem. Sistem ini telah teruji kulitasnya dengan menggunakan pengujian black box testing dan white box testing.

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Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Proceeding ICITACEE : A Comparative Study of Image Cryptographic Method


Cryptography is a technique that is widely used to secure data transactions, this technique has also been widely used to secure digital images. There are several cryptographic techniques that are widely used in digital imagery, such as Arnold Transform, Rivest Code 4 (RC4) and One-time pad (OTP). This research aims to compare the performance of these three techniques on digital images. Performance of each encryption method is measured using entropy, SSIM, NPCR, UACI, computation time and histogram analysis. While the decrypted image is measured by the correlation coefficient and computation time using tic toc function. Based on the test results can be concluded that Arnold transforms algorithm only do a scramble on the image based on a certain iteration, so that the entropy and histogram values remain the same as the original image, only visually the image looks random and meaningless. RC4 has an advantage on entropy value and should not require a very long key, so it does not have to be a special memory to store the key. While OTP has advantages in the fastest computing time, and also superior values in NPCR, UACI, and SSIM. A random key of the same size as the original image makes encryption hard to decrypt. Although the size of the key to making the algorithm must provide a larger space for key storage.

Download : IEEEXplore



Monday, December 10, 2018

Conference iSemantic 2018 : A Robust Non-Blind Image Watermarking Method Using 2-Level HWT-DCT


The current technology allows to distribute digital images quickly and easily over the internet. Some digital images have copyright that needs to be protected. Watermarking is a technique for protecting copyright. In order for copyright is not easily lost with image manipulation, then watermarking technique must be robust. This study proposes a combination of Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) based on two levels of the Haar Wavelet Transform (HWT) on image watermarking method with the aim of improving aspects of robustness and imperceptibility. The first step, host image is transformed with DWT as much as two levels to get LL2 subband. LL2 subband is a subband containing the image core information of two levels of wavelet transformation. Furthermore, LL2 subband split into small sub-blocks with the size of 4 * 4. The sub-blocks are transformed again using DCT. Insertion of watermarks using alpha variables with a certain value on the DC coefficient matrix. This value is used for managing the quality and strength of the watermark. To test the imperceptibility and watermark resistance used measuring instruments MSE, PSNR, and correlation coefficient. Based on the simulation results obtained a watermarked image is quite satisfactory with a relatively good imperceptibility value and resistant to various attacks.

Download : IEEE, researchgate



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