
Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Proceeding ICOIACT : An Improve Image Watermarking using Random Spread Technique and Discrete Cosine Transform

Abstract: Watermarking is a powerful technique to protect copyright from cyber-crime. This study proposes a random spread technique based on the Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) to improve image watermarking performance. The use of the random spread technique is proven to be able to improve the output quality of the watermarked image, where the watermark image is increasingly invisible to the eye after being pinned on the cover image. Better PSNR and MSE values prove this, besides watermark security also increases indirectly because embedding techniques spread randomly.

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Monday, December 30, 2019

Proceeding : Performance Analysis of Face Recognition using Eigenface Approach

Abstract— Eigenface is an algorithm in the principal component analysis (PCA) that is used to recognize faces. Eigenface used to reduce dimensionality and find the best vector for distributing the facial image in the facial space. This method has been widely used and implemented in various previous researches to recognize human face images. Not only to detect human faces under normal conditions, but PCA has also been proven to be able to properly recognize images in various expressions. It can even recognize facial images with various challenges such as detecting faces after plastic surgery and combining them with facial image reconstruction techniques. This research aims to examine the performance of the PCA Eigenface method to recognize human face images from several databases that have their own challenges, such as the lack of illumination of facial images, significant variations in expression and the use of accessories such as glasses. The recognizable accuracy is quite varied, from 100% to 67% in each database with and with an average recognition of more than 85%.

Keywords—Eigenface, Euclidian, Face recognition, JAFFE,PCA, Yale

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Friday, December 20, 2019


Prakerin adalah Kegiatan kerja yang dilakukan di dunia Usaha atau dunia Industri (DuDi) dalam upaya pendekatan ataupun untuk meningkatkan mutu siswa – siswi Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) dan juga menambah bekal untuk masa – masa mendatang guna memasuki dunia kerja yang semakin banyak serta ketat dalam persaingannya seperti di masa sekarang ini.

Pada tanggal 20 Desember 2019 SMKN 2 Demak mengadakan pembekalan Prakerin untuk menambah wawasan dan sharing pengalaman kepada siswa yang akan melakukan Prakerin tahun 2020. Saya adalah salah satu narasumber untuk memberikan berbabagai informasi di dunia kerja dan pengalaman selama ini sebagai dosen di Universitas Dian Nuswantoro dan sebagai pengembang berbagai aplikasi di berbagai perusahaan.



Monday, December 2, 2019

Peringatan Maulud Nabi Muhammad bersama Syaikh Mustafa Mas'ud & Sabrang Letto

Peringatan Maulud Nabi Muhammad bersama Syaikh Mustafa Mas'ud & Sabrang Letto.
#semuanyaajib #kampungsholawat

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